what makes training addictive

Have you ever wondered how some people love training and cannot imagine skipping a workout? If so, you’re in the right spot because we’ll be going over what makes training enjoyable, even addictive, and how you can become more consistent.

Let’s dive in.

What Makes Training So Addictive?

The first thing that makes training addictive is the positive impact on your mood and well-being. Physical activity brings numerous physiological changes that result in euphoria, motivation, and clear-headedness. As a result, you feel uplifted, and your productivity improves. One likely mechanism is that training promotes the release of endorphins––opioid hormones that suppress pain and bring about a state of euphoria. 

Additionally, data suggests that physically active people are less likely to suffer from mental conditions like depression and anxiety.

The second thing that makes training addictive is the sense of fulfillment it brings. Working out is a fantastic way to feel better about yourself because you’re doing something beneficial, which is deeply personal and goes a long way in improving your mood.

Another benefit of training is that it makes you more confident in yourself and your abilities. It improves how you look, resulting in less anxiety. Plus, by overcoming challenges and improving, you develop confidence in your abilities to excel.

The fourth thing that makes training addictive is the positive impact on your functionality and independence. Working out boosts your physical abilities, making you better able to handle everyday tasks like carrying groceries, climbing stairs, and more. Such a benefit might not seem all that important but seeing your physical abilities develop is incredibly rewarding and sure to keep you returning to the gym.

The Difference Between Clients That Stay And Those Who Quit Early

One reason clients tend to quit early is a lack of results. More specifically, a lack of the results they want. Beginners often don’t know what to expect from working out and believe that a huge transformation happens in weeks. Unfortunately, progress takes much longer, so clients must start with the right expectations.

Another reason why clients often quit is that they feel overwhelmed or don’t believe change is possible for them. For example, if clients often struggle to complete their workouts and barely recover from one session to the next, they are more likely to give up simply because it all feels too challenging. Instead of feeling fresh and invigorated, they experience significant muscle soreness and fatigue after each workout. A practical way to prevent that is to give clients time to get used to training and not push them too much right from the start.

The third reason why many clients quit is boredom. Many people simply don’t enjoy the specific type of training they are prescribed and struggle to find motivation. Feeling excited about upcoming workouts is vital for consistency and allows people to work harder and make better progress in the long run.

Whether you’re a coach or someone looking to start training, be mindful of these three reasons and do everything in your power to set proper expectations, make fitness engaging, and do things at a sustainable pace.

July 01, 2022 — Daniel Felstein

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