Common Misconceptions On Training and Dieting
The fitness world is full of myths and misconceptions that refuse to go away and often drive people down unproductive and frustrating paths.
To that end, we’ve put together this post to review four common misconceptions related to training and nutrition.
Let’s discuss.
You Must Eat Immediately After Training
One common misconception is that you must eat right after training to prevent muscle breakdown. If you don’t do that, all of your training efforts will be in vain.
While post-workout nutrition is important, especially if you don’t eat for a few hours before training, the rules aren’t as strict.
Research suggests that the post-workout eating window is far more flexible than most people imagine, and you don’t necessarily have to eat something or drink a protein shake as soon as you finish the last set.
In fact, if you have a decently-sized pre-workout meal, you might get away with not eating anything for hours after your session.
If Some Is Good, More Is Better
Prevailing wisdom suggests that a good training plan is one that pushes trainees to their absolute limits. The idea is that only tremendous effort can cause a large enough disruption necessary for progression.
Luckily, that isn’t the case. In fact, pushing yourself too hard can have the opposite effects: overtraining, muscle loss, and a drop in athletic performance.
A good training plan challenges you to a certain level but allows you to keep some gas in the tank. As a result, you make progress but recover adequately between workouts.
You Can Spot-Reduce Body Fat
This one is more of a myth than a misconception but deserves a couple of paragraphs nonetheless.
Too many people still fall for the idea of spot-reducing body fat by performing exercises that target specific areas of the body. For example, someone interested in getting abs might do countless crunches and sit-ups to melt belly fat.
Unfortunately, that’s not how the human body works. The only way to shed fat is to be in a calorie deficit––consume fewer calories than you burn. Unfortunately, even then, your body decides where to burn fat from. In many cases, belly fat is the last one to go and the first one to return if you start overeating.
Low Carb Is Great For Everyone
Ketogenic diets have become quite popular in recent years, and many people attribute their fitness results and well-being to low-carb eating plans.
The truth is that reducing carb intake can be beneficial for some people, especially if recommended by a doctor after a thorough health exam. For instance, the approach can be helpful for people who need to lose a lot of weight and those struggling to control their blood sugar levels.
But, labeling keto as ideal for everyone is misguided because numerous factors determine how one approach might affect someone.
Carbohydrates are one of the three primary nutrients (along with proteins and fats), and cutting them out from your diet can have adverse effects. So, it’s best to consult your doctor before making radical lifestyle changes.