The Biggest Contributors to Muscle Gain
Finding Your Groove With Training
Most trainers and experts are biased with their recommendations. For instance, the former powerlifter now recommends the big three lifts; the bodybuilder teaches others the basics of the sport; the sprinter recommends high-intensity interval training for building muscle and losing fat.
What if there was another way of learning and helping others find what they enjoy doing?
Strength in Sports - Does it Help?
There are countless sports out there. From well-known activities like basketball and football to lesser-known sports like fencing, polo, and something called Kabaddi, each has its charm.
Like most people who enjoy watching and participating in sports, you probably wonder how big a role strength plays in the equation. So, let’s discuss.
The Cause of Lower Back Pain in Athletes and Sedentary Individuals
Highest Injury Sports
Anyone who follows sports or participates is aware of one fact:
There is always a risk of injury. Some sports are safer than others, but physical activity can result in small and significant injuries, especially in contact sports.
We go over four sports that carry a significant injury risk and how they compare to traditional weight training.
Sitting All Day
Sports Injuries
It’s no secret that sports can be risky. From football and basketball to summer and winter sports, athletes get injured all the time and for various reasons.
But have you ever stopped to think about the most and least dangerous sports out there? If you had to guess, which sport would you say has the highest injury rate?
Weight Loss For The Obese
We are all familiar with the basic elements of weight loss:
Move more and eat less.
Doing that is easier said than done, especially in obese individuals who want to lose weight.How Long Does The Muscle-Building Process Take
You’ve probably heard that muscle growth is a slow process. It often goes like this:
“It often takes years to build noticeable amounts of muscle.”
But how true is that, and is there no hope of making significant improvements in the short term?
RPE vs. Percentage-Based Training
But what are they, how do they differ, what benefits does each offer, and is it possible to combine the two?
How Long Does It Take to Start Losing Muscle
Strength and Its Application to Power
You’ve probably heard of the term power before. For example, when a boxer knocks out an opponent, people praise the athlete for having great power.
But what exactly is power, and does it matter as much as people believe? More importantly, is being stronger good for your power output, or are the two unrelated?